Every year I grow a little less homesick for Atlanta and fall in love with my new home a little more. 7.5 years in to living in North Carolina and I find myself really loving Durham, really loving my neighborhood, really loving just a lot of things.
Except the quaint little section of the North Carolina statutes that makes our daughter illegitimate.
Chapter 49: Bastardy
I did get a sick little pleasure out of the thought that Madeline would single handed raise the statistics for bastard girls born in Durham. Nice income, full prenatal care, a momma with a M.A. who didn't smoke or drink while pregnant and a poppa with a B.S. and she was illegitimate!! But I forgot that her being born at the Women's Birth and Wellness Center in Chapel Hill meant that her birth was registered in Orange County, not Durham County. Now forever her passport will read Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
Sorry lovey.
I have to find the affidavit that Harris had to fill out- in triplicate in front of witnesses- to state that he was indeed claiming paternity over our little mite.